Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I may not be a centerfold*,

but I am a covergirl.

Cell Cycle asked if they could use one of the images from our recently published review for the cover of this months issue. I was pleasantly suprised to see that it was already being used on their homepage.

*Many years ago, while taking the el home in chicago late one night, this homeless man lectured my boyfriend on how pretty I was and about how I should be treated properly. He stood in between the closing doors, and announced to the entire train that "She's good looking, I mean, she's no centerfold, but take care of her." Needless to say, I was flattered.

1 comment:

jimothy3000 said...

Wait, Polo-like-kinase got the cover? Whoa-- Mitochondrial Death Program must have been pissed! I was lucky enough to catch MDP for their ferocious 2 a.m. set at Bumbershoot last year, and I'm surprised that Cell Cycle isn't giving them their due. But congratulations anyway, Cate--